Saturday, April 22, 2006

Brooklyn Botanical Garden

More pretty pics... (sorry..)

Some flowers can b pretty sensual....

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Yoga dude inspired me 2 go home an finally pop in that Yoga dvd i've had 4 a year and a
Definitely on my 2-do list this year.....

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Takin' pics at the Garden obviously wasn't the most ORIGINAL thought, apparently...
There were more cameras per square inch than anywhere outside Japan....

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Remember that old joke u heard in high school...
"Why are u late 4 class,Johnny..?"
"I was on top of Cherry Hill..."

2 more young boys are late with the same excuse...

"Well hello,new girl - whats your name....??"

"Cherry Hill..."
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Wednesday, April 19, 2006

"It's a New Dawn, it's a new Day.., it's a new (Spring).."

Okay.It's the first first date i've allowed myself 2 have in a few months (men aint worth shyt - oft times myself included...wink).
And it turned out 2b quite the good decision.
Did something a lil' different, one of those Yeah-i-should-totally-do-that-but -never-get-around-2-it-type deals...and suggested we go 2 the Brooklyn Botanical Garden.

Turned out 2b an excellent day,an excellent idea, with some excellent company.

Gotta warn u tho-if ur severely allergic 2 'pretty', 'cute', or flower pics...then look no further.

And trust - if that is the case...I FEEL U...
I'm the first person 2 gag at puppys,kittens,or pics of pretty flowers(if it's just cause they're pretty...)..

I've already been accused of taking 2 many pretty "Kodak-moment" type pics (Fuck..... i get enuff 'gritty' and 'harsh' and 'ugly' in life. Thank You Very Much....).

Besides most of the REAL ugly i come across..,is INSIDE people..can't photograph THAT.

But wha the fuck...I do what i do............Lemme know if u enjoy....

Came across a Field of Day Dreams...

Saw the best refuge spot i've seen in a long time...unfortunately..,it was occupied...

A stone goddess giving inspiration 2 a earthly soul...