Monday, September 12, 2005

WHAT I WANT(Much abridged...)


[FULL DISCLOSURE : So, like...this was kinda written 2 b like, general..but, it turns out...there is somebody whose face keeps getting put in the HIM spot in each of these. And he'll know who he is...]

I want 2 tell him all the dirt about an ex of mine that we run into one night when were together.

I want 2 make him spaghetti.

I want 2 hold him as he cries when we get back from the funeral of someone he knew his entire life (okay-well i don't WANT that.., but u know what i mean..)

I want his mother 2 know my name mayb.

I want 2 know his favorite ice cream so i can pick it up at Associated, if i'm doing the shopping 4 dinner that nite (unless of course we're doing well enuff 2 live by a Gristedes...!!!)

I want him 2 hate a favorite HBO show of mine, roll his eyes when it comes on as we're sitting on the couch, but sit there with me anyway.

I want 2 hate him 4 something he did, then melt when he tells me with tears in his eyes that he's sorry (IF he means it. He still gets no dick if i don't believe him yet.)

I want 2 turn 2 him and have a memory of the first trip we took 2gether.., all those years ago.

I can't wait 2 be inside him, and have it b FAMILIAR.

And when i REALLY stretch the vision of my minds eye... and am TOTALLY honest with myself...i think that it will b amazing 2 watch him with OUR SON.

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