Thursday, November 17, 2005


There is something about the music.
There is something about the music in the darkness.
There is something about the music and the bodies in the darkness.
There is something about the music and the bodies in the darkness moving...

I have always wondered what it was...How the combination of the flashing,strobing,streaking lights-and the banging,the thrumming-the sonic assault
(the BASS waves so..solid,so HARD-if ur lucky...!-that u FEEL it inside the wall of ur stomach-hitting where nothing can and feel pleasurable)...
The upraised hands..,the eyes rolled back..,the feet stomping..spinning bodies...It is linked with the most ancient of human activities....Orisha rituals in earliest Africa..,Native American ceremonies of dance,voodoo rituals in the Caribbean....
Close ur eyes,and u can b there.
The joyful cries of those unseen-but felt-nearby and far away-echoing ur own-answering ur own("Hold up-!" "Wait a minute..."),joining ur own...
The community that is built by many bodies..the power within the heat that is made by many bodies.
The SEXLUSTLOVEPEACE that - when it's just rite...- is felt by every single BODY that is opened and made aware of it..and can b recalled in PERFECT sense 4 YEARS afterward.........(Where my old Paradise Garage heads at........???)
The unknowable(yet undeniable)..,the wholly SHARED(but thereafter indescribable..)..,the completely personal(yet electrically inter-connected)MOMENTINBEATSRHYTHMFEELINGTIMEEXPERIENCEDIVINEPOWERMOMENT.
The height of which can b felt many times-each slightly different.
Each it's own unique peak.
Each peak-it's own unique flavor.
Each flavor it's own unique mood.
A smile or a sneer.
Good friends of a hot fuck.
A warm red kiss in a dark corner.
The way that kiss can flood out the REST of the world-even when that world is pressed up against u and SWEATY....
A flash of color-FELT-not SEEN-on an upraised face.
Each element a WAVE in a WEAVE that threads 2gether a shared moment that -if JUST RITE-may pass......but never LEAVES.
There IS something about the MUSIC and BODIES in the darkness MOVING.
There IS something about the MUSIC and the BODIES in the DARKNESS.
There IS something about the MUSIC in the DARKNESS.
There IS something about the MUSIC.

Indeed last nite a DJ has saved my (OUR) lives..,with a SONG.

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