Wednesday, April 19, 2006

"It's a New Dawn, it's a new Day.., it's a new (Spring).."

Okay.It's the first first date i've allowed myself 2 have in a few months (men aint worth shyt - oft times myself included...wink).
And it turned out 2b quite the good decision.
Did something a lil' different, one of those Yeah-i-should-totally-do-that-but -never-get-around-2-it-type deals...and suggested we go 2 the Brooklyn Botanical Garden.

Turned out 2b an excellent day,an excellent idea, with some excellent company.

Gotta warn u tho-if ur severely allergic 2 'pretty', 'cute', or flower pics...then look no further.

And trust - if that is the case...I FEEL U...
I'm the first person 2 gag at puppys,kittens,or pics of pretty flowers(if it's just cause they're pretty...)..

I've already been accused of taking 2 many pretty "Kodak-moment" type pics (Fuck..... i get enuff 'gritty' and 'harsh' and 'ugly' in life. Thank You Very Much....).

Besides most of the REAL ugly i come across..,is INSIDE people..can't photograph THAT.

But wha the fuck...I do what i do............Lemme know if u enjoy....

Came across a Field of Day Dreams...

Saw the best refuge spot i've seen in a long time...unfortunately..,it was occupied...

A stone goddess giving inspiration 2 a earthly soul...


Morisset said...

nice pics

Anonymous said...

Hi Stef.
I liked your pics and the little comments to go with. Glad you had a good day. Pretty is as pretty does. You're right..most ugly cant be seen, or not until it's too late at least..cuz it's on the inside. TY

Anonymous said...

Hum!... Some interesting common points we seem to share...

I live in Paris, France, you in Brooklyn, NYC. You apparently practise fighting sports, I am a Chinese martial arts teacher.

You mention Chicago, my second home; House & electronic musics, my other passion and activity, French names...

"There must have been an angel by my side"... I could saythe same and live this reality every noon and night.

If you feel like knowing more about this soul bro from the other side or the Atlantic, just click on and meet me on my page.

Take real care.