Tuesday, September 6, 2005

HOW 2 PRACTICE EVIL (and get away with it)

By Condoleezza Rice, Donald Rumsfeld, and Karl Rove

1.Tell BOLDFACE lies with an absolutely straight face. Repeat if necessary. [See also #2]

2.Switch it up sometimes. Instead of an OUTRIGHT LIE, tell a 'version' of the truth with whatever OMISSIONS are advantageous at the time.

3.DISTRACTION. (I.E. If 11 of the 12 so called 9/11 bombers are from Saudi Arabia, 'discover' weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.)

4.OVERSIMPLIFY. Dumb-down, dumb-down, dumb-down-every argument u want people 2 swallow, 2 a ridiculous extreme. ("Your either 4 us or against us").

5.Think only in the short term. Adapt ONLY short term, stopgap, or temporary solutions. (Be sure 2 lie about it, and say it'll have 'long-term benefits', when asked.)

6.Clothe everything in the fine linen of 'God', 'Christianity', or 'America'.

7.Peddle fear.

8.Create evil doing 'boogey-men'. Especially effective if they have brown or olive skin color.

9. Protect the profit margin of the most entrenched, old powerbase (Banking/Financial-Oil/Energy-Defense/Law Enforcement).

10.Make ANY dissension seem somehow dangerous, traitorous, or irresponsible.

[-2 b con't..]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
